KD describes the intensity of emotion with which Maharajji discussed Jesus, and the value of the teachings he studied involving stories of Christ. Organized…
KD contends that any and all repetition of the Name is like planting a seed, no matter when or how it is done. This…
In tracing our spiritual journey, we have gone from a psychological, economic and political universe into a spiritual universe. And in the course of…
Ram Dass illuminates the trap that many of us fall into as we grow up – which is the idea that we are our…
In this talk, Ram Dass explores the way in which we experience everything as a free choice but in some way, it’s part of…
“Self-compassion because you learn how to regulate your own emotions and how you’re connected with others… it’s part of shifting the consciousness of people…
KD reminds us that true realization is proven possible by the great beings that have come before, and those who continue to leave foot…
Munindra-ji used to say that in spiritual practice, time is not a factor. Practice cannot be measured in time, so let go of the…