Raghu Markus – Mindrolling – Ep. 568 – Awakening Our Joy with James Baraz

Amidst election results, environmental crises and more, Raghu and James Baraz consider how to awaken joy in times of disillusion.

This time on Mindrolling, James and Raghu have a talk on:  
  • Vulnerability and unconditional love
  • Awakening Joy in times of disillusion
  • James’ definition of Joy as the sense of well-being
  • Making space for all the feelings we feel
  • Training ourselves to look for the good
  • How we have lost our connection to the land
  • Being courageous and coming from love
  • Indigenous and Buddhist teachings that point us to our place in the world
  • Understanding the consequences of our actions
  • Sila and acting with integrity as a path to inner peace
  • Why meditation is so essential
  • The joy of connection and a closing gratitude practice
To learn more about James’ work with the environment and to see how you can help, check out One Earth

“We are nature. Not ‘man shall have dominion over nature ‘as it says in the Bible, but we are nature expressing itself through us. That shift in itself is going back to the indigenous understanding that is aligned with reality. We are nature, how can we do anything but honor it and love it and care for it?” – James Baraz

About James Baraz

James Baraz has taught mindfulness meditation since 1978 and is co-founder of the world-renowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. He is co-author of two books Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to a Happier Life and Awakening Joy for Kids. James has taught the Awakening Joy course to over 24,000 people from 30 countries since 2003, as well as retreats and workshops in the U.S. and internationally. Learn more about James HERE.

“Actions have consequences, that is what karma is. What we do now has an effect on what’s to come in our children and future generations. Those are the dots that somehow the rich, supposedly brilliant minds, haven’t seen.” – James Baraz

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