Raghu Markus – Mindrolling – Ep. 501 – Into the Mirror with Andy Karr

Author Andy Karr invites us to look into the mirror, speaking with Raghu about why it is so essential for each of us to develop the habits of self-reflection and mindfulness practice.

“There is no substitute, in my mind, for just developing the habit of practicing. I think alongside of that is perspective, because you see yourself and then it goes back to mindfulness. You see your resistance, your fear, your boredom, whatever it might be.” – Andy Karr

In this week’s episode, Raghu speaks with Andy about:
  • The themes of self-reflection, applied mindfulness and cultivating a personal practice that are explored in Andy’s newest book, Into The Mirror
  • Andy’s connection to Ram Dass, Buddhism and his study under Chögyam Trungpa
  • ‘Crazy wisdom’ and the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
  • The importance of holding a personal practice of some sort, and what that offers to our lives
Links & Recommendations From this Episode:
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