For episode 220 of the Metta Hour Podcast, we are continuing the Real Life Series celebrating Sharon’s new book by the same name, “Real Life.”
This interview features a conversation between Sharon and Mark Epstein, recorded for the Living An Authentic Life Summit.

“My college thesis was on Abidhama, which is Buddhist psychology. It talks about our everyday experience as basically the patterning of the mental factors. The root cause of suffering, the root cause, is ignorance or delusion. It’s been useful for me in all of my writing.” – Mark Epstein
Mark Epstein is a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City and the author of a number of books about the interface of Buddhism and psychotherapy, including Thoughts without a Thinker, Going to Pieces without Falling Apart, Going on Being, and his newest work The Trauma of Everyday Life. He received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Harvard University and is currently Clinical Assistant Professor in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at New York University.