RamDev – Healing at the Edge – Ep. 73 – Digesting Emotion, Devouring Life

Devour or Be Devoured—RamDev illuminates ancient Tantric approaches for digesting emotion, stress, suffering & trauma in the modern world.

Devour or Be Devoured—RamDev illuminates ancient Tantric approaches for digesting emotion, stress, suffering & trauma in the modern world.

Tying together previous topics around working with stress, dancing the Tantric 3-Step, and Devouring The Mother, RamDev outlines foundational Tantric wisdom around dissolving samskaras, transmuting energy, and digesting emotion rather than being devoured by life.

Find out more about Dale’s work at the Living/Dying Project: livingdying.org
Devouring The Mother

Sharing ancient Hindu Tantric perspectives and practices for dissolving samskaras (impressions based on grasping or aversion), RamDev elucidates how we can work with stress in the modern age, remaining grounded, centered & curious enough to digest difficult energies, rather than get lost in them. To begin, he lays the groundwork for the Tantric perspective by sharing on the Divine Mother and Oneness of all things in the universe.

“In talking about devouring The Mother, we’re talking about: moment to moment can we be not lost in the story, not making up stories, not being reactive; but being on the leading edge, almost surfing the present moment, and being with the unfolding energy of each moment?” – RamDev

Offering insight on the Tantra of Emotions, RamDev shares on Devouring the Mother, Ep. 62 of Healing at the Edge
Tantric Approach to Suffering, Stress, & Trauma (13:33)

Relaying the Tantric approach to working with the continuum of suffering, stress, and trauma, RamDev explores perspectives for accessing the underlying energy of a situation through the lens of the now mathematically-proven notion that there is no objective reality out there; but rather, one consciousness, one energy, flowing through our individual filters. Inviting us into this Tantric flow, he opens the digital floor for audience questions sparking conversation on overwhelm, grounding breath, & Gurdjieff.

“To the extent that we can be digesting the energy, to the extent that we can be living in this Tantric flow, we will be much more wise, calm and loving in dealing with the caught-ness, the concepts, all that we see out there that is creating human suffering in the world.” – RamDev

RamDev illuminates a Tantric approach to working with stress, on Ep. 47 of Healing at the Edge
The Divine Mother & Energy (29:29)

Offering insights into how we can ‘drop the battle’ by engaging with the quality of amazement, wonder and curiosity of seeing it all as energy, all as the Divine Mother; RamDev shares tips for fully experiencing and processing our emotions, but without getting caught in polarity and judgment as the “experiencer.” To close the podcast, he explores how we can use devotion to help us be with the ever-changing edge of arising energy.

“There is this quality of amazement, wonder and curiosity that we can have about things, rather than feeling we’re in some kind of battle. It is all The Mother, it is all energy.” – RamDev

Open yourself to practices for staying grounded while working with emotion, Ep. 67 of Healing at the Edge
Art via chelovector