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Peter A Levine

Jack Kornfield – Heart Wisdom – Ep. 244 – An Autobiography of Trauma with Peter A Levine, PhD

June 25, 2024
 |  Jack Kornfield

Jack and trauma expert Peter A Levine PhD map the path to healing through imagination curiosity somatic experiencing and loving awareness. Want fresh Jack teachings...


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 254 – The Up-Level

June 24, 2024
 |  Ram Dass

In a talk from 1978 Ram Dass explores stepping onto the spiritual path different planes of consciousness the process of awakening and the spiritual...


Raghu Markus – Mindrolling – Ep. 547 – Lessons from Hermann Hesse with David Silver

June 21, 2024
 |  Raghu Markus

OG Mindroller David Silver reunites with Raghu to discuss the themes of consciousness and spirituality that lie at the heart of Hermann Hesse’s literary


RamDev – Healing at the Edge – Ep. 112 – Mind Into Heart

June 20, 2024
 |  RamDev Dale Borglum

Bringing the mind into the heart Ram Dev elucidates how to let go of the ego and surrender into beingness. Today’s podcast is brought to...


BHNN Guest Podcast – Ep. 173 – Ram Dass Fellowship: Healing in Difficult Times with Ralph De La Rosa & Jackie Dobrinska

June 20, 2024
 |  Uncategorized

Ram Dass taught that every moment is the perfect teacher. How is this possible when things are groundless – i.e. uncertain and constantly changing?...


David Nichtern – CSM Podcast – Ep. 53 – The Four Powers of Confidence with Ethan Nichtern

June 19, 2024
 |  David Nichtern, Ethan Nichtern

Exploring the themes in his new book Confidence Ethan Nichtern chats with his dad David about vulnerability truth and the state of the world. This...


Sharon Salzberg – Metta Hour – Ep. 242 – Emma Seppälä

June 19, 2024
 |  Uncategorized

For episode 242 Emma Seppälä Ph.D. returns to the Metta Hour to speak about her new book “Sovereign: Reclaim Your Freedom Energy and Power...

music of the spheres

Jack Kornfield – Heart Wisdom – Ep. 243 – The Music of the Spheres

June 18, 2024
 |  Jack Kornfield

Harmonizing to the ‘music of the spheres’ and sharing gardening tips from Buddha a blissful Jack unveils the beautiful possibility of sudden awakening. This episode...


J. Krishnamurti – Freedom from the Known Podcast – Ep. 1 – Knowledge & Transformation

June 17, 2024
 |  J. Krishnamurti

J. Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson explore transcending the degeneration of our culture through individual transformation.


Be Here Now Network

The Be Here Now Network offers weekly doses of digestible Eastern philosophy from a range of spiritual teachers in the form of mindfulness podcasts, articles and videos. The “Be Here Now” adage is an important aphorism from Ram Dass and serves as a mantra for those on their own path towards self-discovery. For spiritual seekers and mindfulness advocates, our consciousness podcasts are a leading source for insightful information. We believe that we can change the world by changing our own hearts and radiate that presence out to the world, one heart at a time.

Mindfulness Podcasts, Articles & Videos

Whether you are looking for a mindfulness podcast, a conscious loving article or video teachings, the Be Here Now Network has a range of resources and teachers to help you on your spiritual path. For day-to-day spiritual guidance or easy strategies for cultivating mindfulness, the Be Here Now network provides a community for you to lean on. Every generation needs teachers and we are dedicated to insightful entertainment and concise bits of wisdom. Podcasts have become increasingly popular forms of entertainment and ways of getting information in a quick and easy format. Podcasts are easily downloaded audio files that you can access via the Internet or on your phone or computer. Mindfulness podcasts can help you become more centered and calm as well as provide instructions in various methods that can help you balance your day to day life. Our mindfulness podcasts explore important issues concerning the modern spiritual seeker. The Be Here Now network offers poignant insight from the wisdom keepers of today.
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