Krishna Das – Pilgrim Heart – Ep. 147 – You Can’t Escape Your Karmas

Anchored by the subject of Karma, Krishna Das explains the ways we can accept the present moment and live with an open heart.

Today’s episode originally aired on Krisha Das’ “Hanging Out In the Heart Space” online satsang on February 24th, 2022. Be sure to subscribe to Krishna Das on Youtube to get new episodes of “Hanging Out In the Heart Space”, fresh music from KD and more: Krishna Das Music

“You can’t escape your karmas. You have to live with them and be with them and find a way to meet each moment in an open space.” – Krishna Das

This time on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das chants and gives guidance on: 
  • Finding time for practice
  • Receiving messages through dreams
  • Being where we are and accepting our karmas
  • Surrendering to the will of the guru
  • Generating kindness instead of greed
  • What to do when we lose our faith in humanity
  • Recognizing the light and darkness within us all
  • Releasing thoughts, emotions, and negativity during practice
  • Insights from time with Maharaj-ji
Krishna Das suggests reading the book Love Everyone to learn more about experiences with Maharaj-ji

“The higher states, the more subtle states of consciousness, can’t be created from your own personal will. But, through service to others and repetition of the name and purification of the heart, those states will arrive and arise when you are ready.” – Krishna Das

About Krishna Das:

Layering traditional Hindu kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Grammy nominee, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.”  With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das – known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD – has taken the call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the best-selling chant artist of all time. His album ‘Live Ananda’ (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.

KD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass, and in August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to most as Maharaj-ji.

Krishna Das now travels the world sharing his kirtan practice and wonderful stories of his life, of Maharaji-ji, of his life on the Path and discusses bringing chanting into our lives through retreats and workshops. To date, KD has released 15 well-received albums, most recently Trust in the Heart released in October 2017.

Listen to more from Krishna Das: 
Bring back the wandering mind in Episode 126 of Pilgrim Heart: Come Home to the Chant
Learn about Transforming Negative Karmas with David Nichtern and Krishna Das
Hear about the power of mantra repetition in Ep. 70 of Pilgrim Heart

Tune into Episode 108 of Pilgrim Heart to hear Krishna Das do A Chant to Neem Karoli Baba
Learn more about the ways that Peace Comes From Practice in Episode 102 of the Pilgrim Heart Podcast
Tune into Ep. 89 of Metta Hour featuring Krishna Das and Sharon Salzberg to learn about finding direction