Calendar of Events

Like what you’ve heard and want to connect with a teacher in person? Be Here Now Network teachers share their wisdom in talks, workshops, and retreats at locations across the US.

Check the calendar below to attend events where there’s an opportunity to deepen your spiritual understanding and learn from some of the best teachers in the world.

Roanoke MINDFULNESS CONFERENCE Keynote @ Sheraton Roanoke Hotel & Conference Center
Sep 28 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Roanoke MINDFULNESS CONFERENCE Keynote @ Sheraton Roanoke Hotel & Conference Center

The Roanoke Mindfulness Conference 2016 is a one-day conference featuring Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Happiness at Work. Taking place at the Sheraton Roanoke Hotel & Conference Center, this conference is designed to provide participants with an introduction to the practice of mindfulness as well as a practical guide to improving work life through mindfulness, compassion, and ingenuity.

Dividing the idea of workplace satisfaction into eight pillars, we will explore ways in which to establish a deep and abiding experience of real happiness in the workplace. The cost for this event is $45, with a discount available for students. This price includes a boxed lunch.

Sep 29 @ 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Following the MINDFULNESS CONFERENCE in Roanoke, VA, an additional one-day workshop, focused on “Lovingkindness,” will take place on Thursday, September 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Unity Church of Roanoke Valley. Lovingkindness is a meditation that cultivates our natural capacity for an open and loving heart.

It is traditionally offered with meditations that enrich compassion and joy in the happiness of others, as well as deepen our own sense of peace. These practices lead to the development of concentration, connection, fearlessness, and genuine happiness. Sharon Salzberg will introduce these teachings and support us in our own experience and cultivation of these qualities through direct instruction and guided meditation using classical techniques in a modern idiom. There will also be opportunities for questions. This workshop is suitable for both new and experienced meditators. The cost for this event is $95, and includes a catered vegan lunch. Space is limited to 75 attendees.

Jack Kornfield- Living a Life of Presence: Eckhart Tolle Foundation, Huntington Beach, CA
Sep 29 @ 7:00 pm – Oct 2 @ 3:30 pm
Jack Kornfield- Living a Life of Presence: Eckhart Tolle Foundation, Huntington Beach, CA

With Living a Life of Presence, the Eckhart Tolle Foundation presents its inaugural event. You are warmly invited to accompany Eckhart Tolle, Kim Eng, and some of today’s brightest beacons of “awakening in action” for four transformative days in a community of presence featuring:

  • Daily teachings with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng on awakening to a life of presence
  • Marianne Williamson on engaging the challenges of society inspired by unitive consciousness
  • Jack Kornfield on opening to presence through loving awareness and the unfolding of the heart
  • Daniel Siegel, MD, on the radical transformation of our interpersonal relationships through presence
  • Brother David Steindl-Rast on how the experience of gratitude amplifies our ability to be present with whatever arises

Join these leading voices and many more for a four-day experience of renewal, connection, and inspiration as we explore together the personal and global implications of the flowering of human consciousness.

All proceeds will benefit the Eckhart Tolle Foundation, created to bring Eckhart’s life-changing teachings to underserved communities around the world. The Eckhart Tolle Foundation exists to inspire spiritual awakening and to support people in living a life of presence.

Sharon Salzberg at Reboot FALL CEO BOOTCAMP 2016 @ Devil’s Thumb Ranch
Oct 5 – Oct 9 all-day
Sharon Salzberg at Reboot FALL CEO BOOTCAMP 2016 @ Devil’s Thumb Ranch

Join Team Reboot, meditation instructor and author Sharon Salzberg,  and 15 other amazing leaders for a weekend retreat to reboot and refresh what it means to be a CEO. Registration is now open for the Fall 2016 CEO Bootcamp on October 5-9, 2016, at Devil’s Thumb Ranch in Colorado. You’re kicking ass, but being the CEO of a startup is hard. It can be lonely. Long hours. Constant demands. Never­-ending­-unforgiving­-to­-do ­lists. And no manual.

Immerse yourself in the complexity and vulnerability of being a CEO with 15 other smart and courageous entrepreneurs. CEO Bootcamp will be a mix of pragmatic wisdom from Reboot, meditation, yoga, hikes, shared meals and lots of honest conversation. You will leave with greater awareness of your personal leadership habits as well as a customized strategy for being the leader you want to be and a network of peers that you can rely on. Bootcamp will be both rigorous and relaxing. You and 15 other leaders will be led by Team Reboot and meditation instructor Sharon Salzberg through a rigorous and restorative weekend at Devil’s Thumb Ranch Resort & Spa.

Nepal Benefit-Devotional Music & Chant: Krishna Das, Lama Tenzin & Friends @ Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew
Oct 5 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Nepal Benefit-Devotional Music & Chant: Krishna Das, Lama Tenzin & Friends @ Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew | New York | New York | United States

Come together for a wonderful evening of devotional music and chant from around the world, with proceeds going to the rebuilding effort of the Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery and Nagi Gompa nunnery in Kathmandu, Nepal, in the aftermath of the tremendous earthquakes there in recent months.

Krishna Das will lead kirtan on this evening as part of this benefit event.

Chris Grosso at Healing Through Adversity Workshop @ Sandy Hill Community Center
Oct 8 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Krishna Das Benefit for Ganga Prem Hospice @ Swatantrananda Ashram
Oct 11 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Krishna Das Benefit for Ganga Prem Hospice @ Swatantrananda Ashram | Uttarakhand | India
Join KD! Tuesday, Oct 11, 2016 @ 2:00 pm4:00 pm

Ticket Price: Rs 700

For information and tickets –

Telephone: 91 9897845162

Email: [email protected]


Remarks: All proceeds will go towards caring for terminally ill cancer patients in Uttarakhand, India, through the Ganga Prem Hospice.

For more information about the work of Ganga Prem Hospice, you can view this video.

Fall in the “Ocean of Love” Maui Retreat with Lei’ohu Ryder, Maydeen Iao & Friends @ Napili Kai Beach Resort
Oct 19 – Oct 23 all-day
Fall in the “Ocean of Love” Maui Retreat with Lei’ohu Ryder, Maydeen Iao & Friends @ Napili Kai Beach Resort

Lei’ohu Ryder and Maydeen Iao invite you to Maui this Fall for their 1st Annual “Ocean of Love” Maui Retreat at the Napili Kai Beach Resort.

Participate in Daily “Aloha in Action” Teachings / Practices with Lei’ohu, Maydeen and Special Guest Teachers, including Ram Dass, Lesley Michaels, Joyanna Cotter and Uncle George Kahumoku Jr Slack Key Show.

Learn more and register here. 


Fall Insight Meditation Retreat @ Spirit Rock @ Spirit Rock
Oct 19 – Oct 29 all-day
Fall Insight Meditation Retreat @ Spirit Rock @ Spirit Rock | San Geronimo | California | United States
Teacher(s): Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman, Wes Nisker, Lila Kate Wheeler, Will Kabat-Zinn,Spring Washam, Teja Bell (qigong), RamDev

This retreat will emphasize quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional meditation instruction will be combined with a spirit of loving-kindness and silent sitting, walking, dharma talks and practice meetings with teachers.

Lottery Details:
The lottery closed on Thursday, June 16.

Applicants will be notified by email of their status no later than 5:00pm on Thursday, June 30; please refrain from calling before this deadline. If you are selected in the lottery, you will be sent an email with a special link to register and pay your retreat fees online. If you end up on a waiting list, you will be notified of your position on the list.

Sharon Salzberg at Kripalu LOVINGKINDNESS RETREAT with Stephen Cope @ Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health
Oct 21 – Oct 23 all-day
Sharon Salzberg at Kripalu LOVINGKINDNESS RETREAT with Stephen Cope @ Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health

Join renowned teachers Sharon Salzberg and Stephen Cope for a weekend of loving-kindness practice (metta meditation) and yoga. The Buddhist and yoga traditions both hold that it is possible to systematically cultivate feelings of loving-kindness, or what yoga philosophy refers to as “friendliness toward all beings.” These two great traditions each developed practices designed to promote the experiences of inner balance, happiness, and equanimity, as well as compassion (karuna) and sympathetic joy (mudita).

Experience on-the-mat yoga practice and sitting meditation that foster loving-kindness, along with an understanding of the importance of metta and yoga in the overall vision of the contemplative traditions. Sharon and Stephen cultivate a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, welcoming people at all levels of yoga and meditation experience, including beginners.

Recommended reading Sharon Salzberg, Loving-Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness and Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation; Stephen Cope, The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling.

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