Like what you’ve heard and want to connect with a teacher in person? Be Here Now Network teachers share their wisdom in talks, workshops, and retreats at locations across the US.
Check the calendar below to attend events where there’s an opportunity to deepen your spiritual understanding and learn from some of the best teachers in the world.

Join Sharon for an intimate evening at 4th Street Yoga in Berkeley, CA exploring how to work with enemies. An enemy, whether within (in the shape of a habitual, painful mind state) or without (as someone for whom we steadily feel antipathy or fear) marks the edge between limited lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity and the potential boundlessness of these qualities.
In this workshop Sharon will explore inner and outer enemies, look at the fear, anger and anguish generated by being stuck in a mode of “us” and “them”, and focus on the liberation we are capable of. There will be periods of dialogue, discourse, and meditation practice. Suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.
Immerse yourself this weekend in the chanting, discussions, and yoga. Asana classes offered by Leslie Kaminoff. Special guest teachers are Lama Surya Das and Tulku Sherdor. Group chanting of Hanuman Chalisa will be offered by Nina Rao.
Joseph Goldstein is a co-founder and guiding teacher of Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts. He has been teaching vipassana and metta retreats worldwide since 1974, and in 1989 helped establish the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. He is the author of A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma,Insight Meditation, The Experience of Insight, and co-author (with Jack Kornfield) of Seeking the Heart of Wisdom.
Join Sharon in Portland, Oregon for a weekend retreat on REAL LOVE at the Yoga Shala of Portland. Fundamentally, there is only one kind of love– real love – trying to come more fully alive in us despite our limiting assumptions, the distortions of our culture, our sense of unworthiness, and the habits of fear, self-condemnation and isolation we tend to acquire just by living a life. Real love can manifest towards ourselves, towards another, towards all beings, and towards life itself. This workshop will explore the role of mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation practices in nurturing our capacity for real love. It will include a talk, practice periods, and Q&A. Suitable for new and experienced meditators. Register for the entire weekend, or for one or more specific days. See below for complete details and ticket pricing, including early bird specials.
Practice the art of attention in this weekly meditation session led by Sharon Salzberg and others from the New York Insight Meditation Center. Himalayan practitioners have, for centuries, used meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, calm the nervous system, and increase one’s ability to focus. Now, western scientists, business leaders, and the secular world have embraced meditation as a vital tool for brain health.
Whether you’re a brand-new beginner, a dabbler, or a skilled meditator seeking the company of others, join expert teachers in a 45-minute weekly program designed to fit into your lunch break. Each session will be inspired by a different work of art from the Rubin Museum’s collection, and will include an opening talk, a 20-minute sitting session, and a closing discussion. Chairs will be provided.
For more information & for schedule of upcoming teachers please visit:

Practice the art of attention in this weekly meditation session led by Sharon Salzberg and others from the New York Insight Meditation Center. Himalayan practitioners have, for centuries, used meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, calm the nervous system, and increase one’s ability to focus. Now, western scientists, business leaders, and the secular world have embraced meditation as a vital tool for brain health.
Whether you’re a brand-new beginner, a dabbler, or a skilled meditator seeking the company of others, join expert teachers in a 45-minute weekly program designed to fit into your lunch break. Each session will be inspired by a different work of art from the Rubin Museum’s collection, and will include an opening talk, a 20-minute sitting session, and a closing discussion. Chairs will be provided.
Limited seating; tickets required for all participants.
For more information & for schedule of upcoming teachers please visit:

Bridging the world of spirit and activism, Rev angel Kyodo williams and Sharon Salzberg will explore love of self and love of others and the social transformations they move us towards.
Through dialogue, reflection and meditation practice, together we will look at questions like: What is the difference between loving yourself and narcissistic preoccupation? How do racism and privilege prevent our collective awakening? How can each one of us affect the shortcomings not only of our own minds but also of our communities? If you believe that social transformation and personal, spiritual liberation are inextricably linked, these kinds of questions form the frontier of that linkage. This program is co-sponsored by the Garrison Institute and the Community Meditation Center of New York (CMC).

Join Sharon in Madison, Wisconson for a weekend Lovingkindness Retreat hosted by Madison Insight. Please note: this retreat is non-residential. Registration materials will be posted on the Madison Insight website approximately 8-10 weeks prior to the retreat.
All retreats at Madison Insight are in “noble silence” and consist of sitting meditation, walking meditation, and Dhamma instructions. They are suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators. Clear and simple instruction will be presented throughout the retreat. At residential retreats a longer discourse on the dhamma will be presented each evening. Retreats are held in silence except for question & answer periods when meditators ask questions of the teacher, either through submitted written questions, or in small group interview sessions. Sitting meditation periods of 45 minutes will alternate with periods of walking meditation throughout each day. Details about fees are provided with the information posted when the retreat registration opens.

Join Sharon for her 2016 Midwest Tour with events in Milwaukee, Madison and Chicago in August! Sharon will be offering different programs in each area. For the Milwaukee portion of the tour, she is hosted by Alverno College with a retreat to AWAKEN YOUR HEART.
Join one of the world’s leading meditation and spiritual teachers, Sharon Salzberg, as we explore, practice and share together a non-residential retreat that will provide opportunity for personal growth and development through a different day-long focus each day. Register for one, two, or all three days!
Day One (Aug 16): Begin or Begin Again Launch or refresh your contemplative practice. Sharon will introduce and explore principles of meditation and provide basic understanding of the practice; she will include guided meditations, talks, and time for personal reflection and questions.
Day Two (Aug 17): Discover Happiness at Work! Realize your path to happiness at work. Sharon will explore the tools that can radically energize your time at work: mindfulness, compassion, resiliency, integrity, and open awareness. Learn the practices that cultivate each of these qualities to bring greater ease, flexibility, effectiveness, and happiness to your work and daily life.
Day Three (Aug 18): Open your Mind; Discover the Freedom of the Heart Explore the practice of equanimity, the foundation of kindheartedness and generosity. Learn to create a spacious stillness to accept things as they are and refrain from apathy, indifference, and driven reactivity. In this session, Sharon will teach practices of compassion, loving kindness, and joy in the happiness of others designed to improve concentration, create fearlessness and a sense of well being, and enhance your ability to love.
1, 2, or 3-Day Retreat: August 16 – 18, 2016; 10AM – 4:30PM each day
Early Bird rate: $300 before May 25 (for three days)
Full Rate: $375 after May 25 (for three days)
1 day: $135
2 days: $270
Student Rates
3-day student price: $150
1-day student price: $60
All fees include morning refreshments, a light lunch, and mid-afternoon snack each day. Participants may bring meditation cushions, yoga mats or blankets. Please dress comfortably and in layers.

Join Sharon for her 2016 Midwest Tour with events in Milwaukee, Madison and Chicago in August! Sharon will be offering different programs in each area. For the Chicago portion of the tour, she is hosted by the Infinity Foundation with a weekend CULTIVATING LOVINGKINDNESS.
Enrich your life and natural capacity for an open and loving heart with loving kindness with Sharon Salzberg in this weekend intensive. Use this deeply meaningful and profoundly effective practice to deepen your connections with everyone—even the difficult people in your life. This practice deepens concentration, connection, fearlessness, and genuine happiness. Join Sharon Salzberg, one of the most influential meditation teachers in the West, author of Loving Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness and Real Love.
Course 161151 CEUs available
Dates: Saturday, August 20th and Sunday, August 21st
Time: 10AM – 4:30PM Daily + Saturday night 7- 9PM (optional to attend)
Cost: Early Bird $285 by July 19 / $310 Full Price
As you awaken your heart, you can move loving kindness into situations and relationships in your everyday life. Gain new perspectives as you pay keen attention to yourself and others with heightened awareness. When you shift and access speaking, listening, and caring for others in a new found way, kindness grows. The fruits of greater kindness are revealed in your mind, life, and community. Nurture these qualities through direct instruction and guided meditations using classical techniques in a modern idiom. There will be ample opportunity for discussion, questions, and practice of loving kindness teachings to support your own experience. Go deep into the practice and:
- Feel tension and stress melt off of you as you practice loving kindness.
- Cultivate loving kindness and feel an expansion in your heart as never before.
- Experience inner peace and calm and a sense of renewal using loving kindness meditations.
This retreat is for both new and experienced meditators. Bring a cushion if you would like to sit on the floor. Chairs are provided. The Saturday night program will be questions and answers and time for loving kindness meditation.