RamDev explores how to move past delusion to work with strong emotions like anger through the all-encompassing lens of Tantra Yoga.
Tantra & The Beloved
RamDev explains Tantra as the ability to go beyond having devotion to an outside deity; to beginning realizing that you, yourself, and the entirety of the creation, is the Beloved. Tantra literally means to weave, so we are weaving this cultivated heart space into our lives. Through Tantra, everything is a manifestation of the Divine Mother. This can pose a slippery slope if we are not already initiated in embodiment, awareness, and compassion.
“In a sense, Yoga teaches suppression with awareness, and Tantra teaches indulgence with awareness.” – RamDev
For wisdom into Devotional Tantra and the Divine Mother, and insight on how to best deal with suffering and anger, tune into Ep. 153 of Ram Dass Here & Now
Tantra & Delusion (4:42)
Tantra is releasing all of our goals and attainments, letting go of attachments through love. Tantra teaches that every cell of creation is filled with pure awareness. Tantra is an ongoing dialogue between the female and male energies in the universe. In Hindu Tantra, everything that can be experienced – form, energy, thought, matter – is the Mother, while the male energy is the Unmanifest Absolute. Quantum mechanics recently proved what ancient Tantra has been saying for years: People are living in a delusion.
“The delusion is that there is a separate objective reality out there that we individuals are perceiving through our sensory apparatus…that we are receiving apparatuses. What Tantra and quantum mechanics says, is, ‘No, that’s backwards.’ There is one consciousness that flows through our individual filters and creates reality.” – RamDev
Join RamDev for another life-changing Dharma talk focusing on a Tantric approach to dealing with stress on Ep. 47 of Healing at the Edge
Tantra and Anger (28:05)
RamDev explores anger as a form of God, sharing how when we are lost in anger, we are being devoured by the Mother, and when we’re consciously angry, we are the ones devouring the world. Through this lens, we can use any negative emotion as a gateway for resting in presence by following the layers of emotion back to their root. Very often, beneath the shadow of anger lays sadness, which is covering up anxiety, which is hiding our fear of death, which veils enlightenment.
“Tantra is beginning to admit that we’re everything, we’re not compromising, and we have enough foundation of embodied-awareness, of open-heartedness, that we can begin to bear exactly how vast we are. So, that we are no longer approaching practice from the standpoint of inadequacy, need, and poverty, but rather fullness and romance.” – RamDev