Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 225 – Getting Real with Sharon Salzberg

Getting Real

Sharon Salzberg and Raghu share a conversation about the process of getting real with ourselves with the help of mindfulness and meditation practice.

Be sure to subscribe to Sharon Salzberg’s Metta Hour Podcast, right here on the Be Here Now Network. 

Show Notes

Getting Real (Opening) – Raghu and Sharon pick up where they left off on a previous conversation around getting real with ourselves. They look at what we can do to separate the way things are from the story we tell ourselves and curb the mind’s tendency to manipulate reality.

Did you miss No Mud, No Lotus with Duncan Trussell, Sharon Salzberg, Ethan Nichtern, Raghu and David Silver? Catch the Facebook Live video stream here: No Mud, No Lotus

A Look at How We Live (14:40) – Sharon and Raghu explore how the Eightfold Path can be used as a guide to getting real. Sharon talks about what the word “right” means when we talk about principles of the Eightfold Path such as Right View.

“A lot of modern scholars don’t like the word right because it brings up ’wrong.’ I like the word right because I think there is a ‘wrong.’ That is not saying anyone is a bad person when they practice ‘wrong speech’ for example, but actions are consequential. The ‘wrong’ is a matter of pain, it’s not a matter of inherent goodness. When we cultivate habits that cause more and more suffering to ourselves or others, there is a wrongness there.” – Sharon Salzberg

Listen to Sharon and Raghu’s conversation around how, with practice, the Eightfold Path can help us navigate our complex lives on Ep. 15 of the Mindrolling Podcast.

Karma and Intention (26:25) – Sharon helps us understand the finer points of karma and why it is so important to take a look at the intention behind what we are doing on a daily basis. She explores the habitual force of karma and how setting our intention offers karmic relief.

“Only we can know our own intention. We can use mindfulness to see where we are coming from and try to come from the best intention that we can. Its also said that if you do Lovingkindness meditation your whole field of intentionality will shift.“ – Sharon Salzberg

Listen to Raghu’s conversation with Dr. Robert Svoboda on Ep. 218 of Mindrolling.

Self-Identification with Awareness (42:30) – Raghu and Sharon talk about how we bypass getting real via self-identification with awareness and how practice can turn the tables.

Dharma and Surrendering into What Is (54:00) – The two close with a look at what surrender really means in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions and the role true surrender plays in getting real and fulfilling our Dharma.


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Photo by  Siddharth Setia