Discussing the connective role of psychedelic societies, Colin Pugh describes how using psychedelics can help soften the heart.
“This is part of the work we’re doing now, what role do psychedelic societies play? My vision is that they’re forming the backbone of what I see as a community based movement that prioritizes community healing and connection as not just the more equitable, but, the more optimal container for these experiences.” – Colin Pugh
In this episode, Madison and Colin Pugh dive into these topics:
- Patience and compassion stemming from an MDMA trip
- Psychedelics as a path to softening the heart
- The potential of psychedelics to help with mental health
- Colin’s involvement with the Brooklyn Psychedelic Society
- Community based healing and a space for psychedelic magical thinking
- The western emphasis on individuality versus community
- Cooperative models and democratic governance within a psychedelic society
- Religion, spirituality, and coming together with different beliefs
- An exploration of what the psychedelic ethos really is

About Colin Pugh:
Colin Pugh has been organizing with Brooklyn Psychedelic Society since 2015 and leading it since 2016. He studied criminal justice and philosophy at Northeastern University in Boston. Colin has been a product manager, tech support specialist, coach, and consultant before focusing on psychedelics, community organizing, and advocacy. He became an advocate for psychedelics in 2014 after having a powerful healing experience from MDMA shortly after losing a close friend to suicide. His other interests include performing comedy, dancing, music, cooking, reading, the future of religion, and trying to help bring about a better world in the shell of the old. He lives in Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn, NY.