Lama Surya Das – Ep. 57 – Deviations from the View

Lama Surya Das - Ep. 57 - Deviations from the View

In this episode of the Awakening Now Podcast, Lama Surya Das looks at some unintentional deviations that we make from our spiritual practice as well as simple ways we can improve our daily practice.

Show Notes

Taming Our Nature (Opening) – We hear the story of Milarepa, who transformed himself from a sinner to an enlightened saint through his great efforts and devotion. Lama Surya Das discusses the drastic changes that can occur with dedicated spiritual practice. He shares methods of changing up our meditative practice so that we do not get stuck in our comfort zones which hinders progress.

“Milarepa said that, in the beginning, the mind is like a waterfall – noisy and broken up, like rapids. As we practice we tame and train our unruly nature. As we discipline our body, speech, energy, heart and mind it becomes more like a river. Some bumps, rocks, rapids and some waves but more like a river than a messy waterfall. Eventually, it becomes more like a peaceful stream flowing into the sea – peaceful and united with everything.” – Lama Surya Das

Deviations from the View (9:00) – Lama Surya Das discusses some of the actions and thought patterns we slip into which become counterproductive to the efforts that we put forth in practice.

“Authenticity is so hard to define and so hard to teach. Authenticity is the essence of it all, the natural state – as you are.” – Lama Surya Das

Natural Meditation (26:05) – We explore more ways that we can enhance our meditation practice and look at the simple but effective practice of sky gazing.

“Natural meditation, where it does it for you. Like the ocean just washing everything away. Not performing, but living.” – Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das further explores the Sky Gazing practice in Ep. 11 of the Awakening Now Podcast

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Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash