Joseph Goldstein – Insight Hour – Ep. 29 – Cutting Through Identification with Consciousness

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Joseph talks about the concept of self and what we can do to move past the identification with our consciousness that keeps us stuck in our loop.

Suffering from Self

The concept of self comes from a superficial perception of our experience; of our mind and body.

“The idea of an enduring self has kept you wandering helplessly in the realms of Samsara for countless lifetimes. . . If you could simply let go of that one thought of ‘I,’ you would find it easy to be free and free others too.” – Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Nature of Emotions (6:35)

One way to get rid of this deeply habituated pattern of identification with these emotions is to see their impermanent nature.

” So indeed, these states, not having been, come into being. Having been, they vanish, Regarding these states, all of these emotions abide unattracted, unrepelled, independent, free, not identified with a mind, free of barriers, simple.” – Buddha

We understand this fleeting nature of emotions, and yet often do not reflect on this truth. So seduced by the story and the feeling, we lose sight of their impermanent nature.

Emotions and Moods (10:05)

We also need to distinguish emotions from moods. Emotions can come and go in seconds or minutes. Moods can last for days and are what activates certain emotions.

It is easy to identify what triggers our emotions. It is more difficult to determine the source of our moods. They are often a background filter of how we see the world. If we are not aware of them, they can shape our experience of the world.

Cutting Through Identification (28:50) – How do we cut through the identification with consciousness, so we are not creating and living our lives from this place of being the witness?

If there is a center of knowing anywhere, that is the continuing of Samsara.

“The not finding is the finding.” – Joseph Goldstein

Image via Jorm S