Chris Grosso – The Indie Spiritualist – Ep. 75 – Life Beyond Addiction with Tommy Rosen

Tommy Rosen returns to the show to talk about the practices and modalities available for living a life beyond addiction.

Tommy is one of the pioneers in the field of Yoga and Recovery assisting others to holistically transcend addictions of all kinds. He is also the founder and host of the Recovery 2.0: Beyond Addiction Online Conference series and the #MoveBeyond Group Coaching Program. Learn more at

Show Notes

Understanding Addiction (Opening) – Tommy shares his history as a recovering addict. He and Chris look at the role that instant gratification plays in addiction. They talk about the fallacy of perfection and learning to accept ourselves, flaws and all.

Antidotes for Addiction (11:00) – What are some of the core recovery practices that can give a person the best chance at sobriety? Chris and Tommy look at some of the hard lessons that they learned in their journey of recovery.

“The thing that we notice about addiction, depression and suicide is that there is always isolation involved. Even for the alcoholic, who is around plenty of people, I would say it is very easy to be isolated at a bar. It is very easy to be isolated anywhere if you are stuck in your head with the disease of addiction.” – Tommy Rosen

Life Beyond Addiction (21:30) – Tommy shares a bit about Recovery 2.0, a free online conference that provides tools and inspiration needed to thrive in recovery. He examines the modern approach towards recovery and suggests a “one day at a time” style approach towards sobriety.

“For me, a lifestyle with yoga, meditation and healthy diet is really the joyful part of what we get to do in recovery. Those are great modalities and powerful practices for bringing your body and mind where you really want to go. Little by little, it will blossom for you.” – Tommy Rosen

The Recovery 2.0 Conference begins June 6, 2018. Register for this free conference at

Consciousness Raising (38:20) –  After countless conversations with world renown experts about recovery, what are some of the biggest lessons that Tommy has taken away and applied in his own life?

Listen to Tommy and Chris’s first conversation about long-term well-being on Ep. 5 of The Indie Spiritualist Podcast


Photo via Spiritually Healthy