Chris Grosso – The Indie Spiritualist – Ep. 53 – Lily Cushman

Lily Cushman joins Chris to share her inspiring journey and talk about how spiritual practice transforms lives.

Lily is the co-founder and director of the Brooklyn Yoga School, a donation-based yoga center voted “Best of New York” by New York Magazine in 2011. She has been teaching yoga for 10+ years and practicing daily since her teens. In 2014, Lily Cushman created the Vanaras Music record label to facilitates kirtan and spiritual music recordings and live events. She currently serves as the Executive Assistant to meditation teacher and NY Times bestselling author, Sharon Salzberg.

Our Own Paths (Opening) – Lily shares how she found her own spiritual path and how it became the life she leads today. She and Chris talk about the benefits of finding a practice that works for us, no matter what it looks like.

“A mentor of mine recommended yoga and something just really clicked for me. I dabbled with it and figured out right away that it was really good for me and I needed to do it every day.”

Change In Pace (13:00) – As a student of yoga legend, Dharma Mittra, Lily shares what it is like to move from a self-led spiritual path to one of structure that is steeped in tradition.
In 2010, Lily co-founded the donation run Brooklyn Yoga School. She talks about the struggles and rewards involved in bringing spiritual practice to the masses.

“I think you when you have a formal teacher, you’re cooking with high heat. It really accelerates the process. The beauty of having a teacher is that it gives you a bigger container to explore within.”

Bypassing Reality (29:00) – Chris and Lily talk about the phenomena of spiritual bypassing and materialism. They explore how bypassing occurs in the first place and what can be done to overcome it.

Practice and Politics (39:00) – There is an interesting crossover between internal and external transformation. Lily shares her feelings about how our practices relate to the greater world around us. She and Chris discuss the ways in which looking within informs how we view and interact with the world.

“It is very tricky to understand what do with people who do the most atrocious crimes and embody hatred. It is a very interesting thing to look at them and then looks at those aspects of ourselves that are really full of hatred.”

Find Lily Cushman online and at the Brooklyn Yoga School. Find more inspirational wisdom on the transformative power of practice, check out THIS important episode of Heart Wisdom with Krishna Das

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