Francesca Maximé – ReRooted – Ep. 19 – How We Relate with Terry Real

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Francesca Maximé - ReRooted - Ep. 19 - How We Relate with Terry Real

Family therapist Terry Real joins Francesca Maximé for an exploration of how we relate to ourselves and others.

Terry Real is an author, speaker and psychotherapist who focuses on men’s issues and couples therapy. In this episode of the ReRooted podcast, Terry shares lessons he has learned about showing up in life, confronting trauma and becoming more relational with himself and others. Learn more about Terry and his unique method of relational therapy at

Unpacking Trauma

How can we begin to free ourselves from childhood trauma? Terry shares the legacy of violence in his family that he had to work to overcome by meeting his trauma with understanding and an open heart.

“In some ways, my whole life has been a zen koan on power, particularly male power. I grew up with a horrible, distorted and grotesque, version of masculine power. It is only in the last few decades that I have come into right relationship with it.” – Terry Real

Explore innovative methods for healing trauma with psychotherapist Diana Fosha on Ep. 4 of the ReRooted Podcast
Diamond Heart (11:20)

Terry speaks about how the components of spirituality and meditative practice have factored into his journey of healing and learning to help others.

“Like a lot of spiritual people, my universe was not a very friendly place growing up. It only became a friendly place through my spiritual practice.” – Terry Real

How We Relate (20:10)

Francesca and Terry talk about Relational Life Therapy, Terry’s method of therapy that asks clients to take a hard and honest look at the root of their trauma and how it affects the way they relate to the world.

“Relational life therapy is very confrontational. It is lovingly confrontational but it is in your face about what you are doing.” – Terry Real


Art via Mel Magazine and Revolvy