Dr. Robert Svoboda – Living with Reality – Ep. 21 – Finding Ayurveda with Paula Crossfield

This time on the Living with Reality podcast, Dr. Robert Svoboda speaks with Paula Crossfield about living our dharma, the Eighth House in astrology, and their journey to finding Ayurveda. 

This conversation on finding Ayurveda, between Dr. Svoboda and his media manager, Paula Crossfield, first appeared on Paula’s podcast, Weave Your Bliss.

For more great teachings from Dr. Svoboda, please visit drsvoboda.teachable.com

Finding Ayurveda

Paula begins by asking Dr. Svoboda about his journey to finding Ayurveda. Dr. Svoboda details the serendipitous circumstances through which he wound up being admitted to an Ayurvedic college in India. He and Paula discuss what it really means to live our dharma, and how we can orient ourselves to the right direction for moving forward through life. 

“I had no idea, no clue, that there were alternatives, there were other ways of working with health and disease, than the way that I had been brought up with, which was conventional Western medicine.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

Ram Dass explores becoming one with our dharma on Here and Now Ep. 161
The Eighth House (27:00)

Paula asks Dr. Svoboda about his connection to divination and astrology, and how he works with the strong energy from the Eighth House in his astrological chart. Dr. Svoboda talks about the value of ancient wisdom. They also discuss what it is that makes Sanskrit so cool, and why music impacts and helps us so greatly.

“The Eighth House represents an area in the sky where a planet is heading towards setting. And when a planet sets, you can’t see it anymore, it’s as if it’s dead. So the Eighth House is not quite at the point where it’s ready to make a dramatic departure… The Eighth House represents all sorts of things that are ongoing, that are challenging in some way.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

Rapid Fire Questions (50:00)

Paula asks Dr. Svoboda a series of rapid-fire questions, including how he grounds himself when he’s anxious or frustrated, who’s a person who inspires him today, and what books he’s reading right now. They end with a brief discussion of a book Dr. Svoboda is reading about the Tulsa race massacre, and why so many people are threatened by the truth of our history.

“The thing that, of course, strikes me the most at the moment is just how threatened so many people are by the truth. Unless you are still a white supremacist, why should you be threatened to find out more about this [Tulsa] race massacre?” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

David Ragland, PhD, joins Konda Mason for a discussion about truth-telling on Brown Rice Hour Ep. 10


Photo via Paula Crossfield