Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 161 – Becoming One with Our Dharma 

In this talk from 1976, Ram Dass reflects on how we can get to God by embracing our Dharmic path in life.

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Becoming One with Our Dharma

What happens when we align ourselves with our Dharma? Ram Dass speaks about how the roles that we are destined to fulfill in life can bring us closer to God and our true selves. He looks at how our Karma provides the perfect toolset for us to fulfill our Dharma.

“The game is to get to God. You can only do that through understanding your path in this life – your Dharma. Whatever part you play, you do your Dharma.” – Ram Dass

Listening for Your Way (18:30)

How do we determine our Dharmic path in life? Ram Dass examines how we can quiet our minds to understand the direction that our Dharma is pulling us towards. No matter our circumstances, that call of Dharma is always available for us to follow.

“There is no place where you are sitting at this moment that is not the optimum place for you to come to God right now.” – Ram Dass

The Yoga of Working Through Karma (29:55)

Ram Dass reflects on the path to God that is available to us through Karma Yoga. How can we let go of our attachment to the outcome of our actions and focus solely on our Dharma?

“You do what you do every day and if you are on the devotional path, you do it as an offering. An offering to Krishna, to God, to Guru.” – Ram Dass

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Ram Dass - Here and Now - Ep. 161 - Becoming One with Our Dharma 

Images via Jesùs Leguizamo and Buddhist Door