Dr. Robert Svoboda – Living with Reality – Ep. 13 – The Mouth is the Gateway to Health with Dr. Scott Blossom

On this episode of Living with Reality, Dr. Scott Blossom joins Dr. Robert Svoboda for a conversation about Ayurveda and the microbiome, and why the mouth is the gateway to health.

On this episode of Living with Reality, Dr. Scott Blossom joins Dr. Robert Svoboda for a conversation about Ayurveda and the microbiome, and why the mouth is the gateway to health.

Dr. Scott Blossom is a Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner, Shadow Yoga teacher, and Ayurvedic Consultant. He lives in Berkeley, CA, with his wife and their two children. Learn more about him at doctorblossom.com

This episode of Living with Reality is a preview of an online course Dr. Svoboda is teaching with Dr. Scott about Ayurveda and the microbiome – Gateway to Health: Ayurveda & the Oral Microbiome
The Mouth is the Gateway to Health

Dr. Svoboda introduces Dr. Scott, and explains how the microbiome is an integral part of a living human body, an organ itself. Dr. Scott explores the oral microbiome, and how the mouth is the gateway to health.

“The microbiome is the population of, the communities of, the interactions of all of the single-celled organisms – bacteria, fungi, archaea, even viruses – that live on and in the physical body.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

The Gut-Lung Axis (8:22)

Dr. Svoboda explores the gut-lung axis, and the connection between the lung and the colon. He talks about the impact that the lung and colon have on the Prana entering our bodies, and the importance of breathing deeply into the belly.

“What we have seen so far is that up to half of the adults that have Irritable Bowel Disease, and as many as a third of the people who have just even Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also have some kind of disturbance in their lungs… Once the colon gets disturbed, that disturbs the lung.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

Dr. Svoboda talks more about Prana on Living with Reality Ep. 5
Cardiovascular Health and Sexual Function (16:47)

Dr. Scott sheds light on the connection between the oral microbiome and cardiovascular health, and why it’s important to consume a diet that doesn’t make the mouth too acidic. Dr. Svoboda explores the connection between oral health and sexual function, and why men with periodontal disease are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction.

“In general, people who suffer from gum disease are twice as likely to develop coronary artery disease, and they are more likely to have a stroke… When your gums are inflamed, your entire cardiovascular system suffers.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

On this episode of Living with Reality, Dr. Scott Blossom joins Dr. Robert Svoboda for a conversation about Ayurveda and the microbiome, and why the mouth is the gateway to health.


 Images via @AZ.BLT and @lindaze on Twenty20