Steve-O joins the Indie Spiritualist Podcast for a conversation about his journey of searching for identity, struggling with addiction, and finding a new life through recovery.
Since his national debut on MTV’s Jackass as a skateboarder and stuntman, Steve-O has had continued success as a New York Times best-selling author with the release of his memoir, ‘Professional Idiot’, and has established himself as a force in the world of stand-up comedy. Subscribe to Steve-O’s podcast, The Wild Ride, at steveo.com.
Conversations With God
Chris and Seve-O talk about their mutual interest in the spiritual writer Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God. Seve-O shares his experience meeting Walsch and the impact that Walsch’s work has had on him.
Our Uniforms (11:40)
Steve-O looks at the role that punk rock had in his search for identity growing up. He and Chris talk about our tendency to seek the acceptance of an in-group as part of our identity. They explore how we can honor aspects of our cultural identity while still pursuing spiritual growth on our journey through life.
“I would wear my baseball uniform to the movie theater, I would feel that I wasn’t enough without it. Then my uniform became heavy metal. I tried to grow my mullet as long as my parents would let me have it. That was my identity. Then it came skateboarding as an identity. Then it became being a pothead. I always went overboard identifying with something.” – Steve-O
Jumping In The Deep End (22:25)
What advice does Steve-O have for people going through addiction recovery? He speaks about his own recovery, what has kept him sober for 12 years and what we can do to help others who are struggling with addiction.
“I compare recovery to a swimming pool. As little as you want to get in there – because it is going to be cold and shock your system – the way to do it is to jump all the way into that pool. That is what happened with my recovery, I just jumped in. It shocked my systems to not have my tools. It was easy for me to jump in the pool because I was essentially on fire, enveloped in flames.” – Steve-O
Explore how we can use mindfulness and meditation to work with deep emotions, trauma and addiction on Ep. 34 of the Healing at the Edge Podcast with RamDev
Sitting With Awareness (38:00)
Steve-O shares the role that meditation has played in his life and recovery. He talks about his journey with developing a personal practice and the changes he has seen in his life since it began.