Tracy Walton and Julia Autumn Ford, from the folk group Belle of the Fall, join Chris for a conversation around reconnecting and recovering with music.
Keep up with Belle of the Fall’s touring schedule and check out the upcoming album, Rise Up, at belleofthefall.com.
Show Notes
Sweet Harmony (Opening) – Tracy and Julia share their histories and the story of how they came together to perform. Julia shares how writing and performing music helped pull her through a deep depression and set her life’s path in a new direction.
Don’t Give Up on Me (16:20) – The band discusses the process of recording their first album, Earthbound, and compares that experience to the recording of their upcoming album Rise Up. Live in the studio they perform “Don’t Give Up on Me” from Earthbound.
“The biggest thing was when we started to sing together. We realized there is a really cool thing that naturally happens with the two timbres of our voices – it creates something bigger than the one. The stuff missing in my own voice is the stuff in her voice, and vice versa.” – Tracy Walton
Many Worlds Collide (37:35) – While not a typical spiritual band, Belle of the Fall’s music truly speaks to the soul in the same ways that traditional spiritual music does. Julia and Tracy talk about how they express spirituality in their lives and music. The band closes the show with “Nothing Left to Lose” from Rise Up.
“I think that music itself is a very spiritual thing. That is when I am plugged into the world and super connected. Someone came up to us once after a show and pointed out that music is one of the only things in the world that can change your brain chemistry without physically touching you.” – Julia Autumn Ford