Chris Grosso – The Indie Spiritualist – Ep. 39 – Damien Echols

Chris Grosso - The Indie Spiritualist - Ep. 39 - Damien Echols

Chris brings Damien Echols on to the Indie Spiritualist Podcast to discuss his practice of Ceremonial Magick and walking the spiritual path. They explore the practice and the important role it has had in Damien’s life.

Damien Echols is a ceremonial magician and artist who lives in NYC with his wife and cats. He spent 18 years on death row for a crime he did not commit and wrote the book Life after Death about his experiences. You can keep up with Damien’s upcoming exhibitions on Facebook and Twitter.

Show Notes

Magick Revolution – Damien and I discuss Magick Revolution and their mission statement, “We believe in art and Magick as a process of initiation designed to awaken the viewer to higher states of consciousness. With Magick Revolution, our goal is to share these techniques so that others can manifest the lives they desire.” We also explore what Magick is and what “initiation” means in relation to it.

Magick and Healing – Damien talks about the role Magick played in surviving almost 20 years on death row, 10 of which were spent in solitary confinement

Traditions — Damien and I explore the wisdom traditions that resonate with each of us, including Magick, Zen, Wicca, Vedanta, Gnostic Christianity and why.

Tasting Life – Damien discusses the following Rumi quote and what it means to him, “Everyone will taste death – but only some will taste life.” So what do those words mean to you?

The Energy of Words and Intention – Damien and I discuss the energetic power of words and intention and explore how The Bible is a great example of this.

Hope – Damien and I discuss the difference between hope and faith and what they mean to each of us.

Younger Generation – Damien and I explore what it was like being an outcast when we were younger and offer advice to the youth who are struggling with being labeled, picked on, and bullied while remaining true to themselves?

In this episode, Damien and Chris discuss Chogyam Trumpa Rinpoche and inner practice. For more on the teachings of Chogyam Trumpa, check out Chris’s interview with one of Trumpa’s students, Diane Hamilton.


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