Jack Kornfield – Heart Wisdom – Ep. 108 – A Steadiness of Presence

Jack Kornfield shares his thoughts on the value of spiritual practice and leads a guided meditation designed to use the breath to cultivate a steadiness of presence.

Breath is the Vehicle

Jack explores how the outer developments of humanity must be met with an inner development of consciousness. He talks about how meditation isn’t the place to get something, it’s a place to let things go and bring an openness to what you discover. In meditation, breath becomes the vehicle to bring body and mind together.

“We can quiet the mind, steady our attention, tend and open the heart. This is really the game, this is really the offering and the practice that we’ll work with.” – Jack Kornfield

A Steadiness of Presence (15:08)

Jack leads a guided meditation that focuses on the breath. The breath is used to strengthen our attention and cultivate a steadiness of presence. He talks about coming back to the breath whenever our attention drifts away and letting the breath simply breathe itself.

“There’s something mysterious about being with your own life-breath that connects the body and mind together.” – Jack Kornfield

Meditation and Sleep (39:05)

Jack responds to comments and questions about the guided meditation. He talks about how meditation can be hard for everyone at times, learning to be present for our experience, using imagery during meditation, and the connection between meditation and sleep.

“There’s also a power in learning how to sit and be present for what’s joyful and what’s painful.” – Jack Kornfield

Lama Surya Das explores the ways that meditation practice can help improve our quality of sleep on Awakening Now Ep. 66


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