Omid Safi – Sufi Heart – Ep. 13 – The Conference of the Birds part 2

In this episode of the Sufi Heart Podcast, Omid concludes his exploration of the poem “The Conference of the Birds”.

Omid looks at the themes of Sufi poet Farid ud-Din Attar’s poem which represent our own spiritual journey and relationship with God.

Be sure to listen to the first part of this story: Ep. 12 – The Conference of the Birds
God = Guru = Self

Omid looks at the cast of characters in the “The Conference of the Birds”. He examines the allegories of God, Guru and the aspects of the self which are represented by each of the birds.

“Each bird corresponds to a tendency inside of us.” – Dr. Omid Safi

Courage for the Path (7:50)

We analyze the moment in our story when the wise hoopoe bird, the representation of the wise teacher, encourages his fellow birds to set out on a journey. A  difficult journey which is symbolic of our own spiritual path. Omid explores the excuses each of the birds gives for resisting the call. What excuses of our own do we have for resisting our spiritual path? Where do we find the courage to begin?

“It is very telling that Attar begins the tale of this powerful mystical allegory, not by telling us how awesome the face of the beloved shall be. But actually, he starts us where we are – lame, sad, seeing ourselves as unworthy.” – Dr. Omid Safi  

The Dance Between Lover and Beloved (26:50)

How does the hoopoe bird finally incite the flock to begin their journey? We look at the most unlikely love story that set a fire of love in the hearts of every listener in attendance.

Omid Safi – Sufi Heart – Ep. 13 – The Conference of the Birds part 2

Images via Penguin Publishing and Sufi Path of Love