Melanie Moser – Shakti Hour – Ep. 17 – Londin Angel Winters

Londin Angel Winters joins Melanie for a conversation around the masculine and feminine – reframing our perceptions around them, balancing their polarities and maintaining presence during difficult times in a relationship.

Londin Angel Winters is an author of The Awakened Woman’s Guide to Everlasting Love, teacher and thought leader in the conversation of sacred intimacy. Her passion centers around helping others reclaim pleasure, thrive in a sacred relationship and love like they’ve never been hurt. Learn more at

Show Notes

A Search for Everlasting Love (Opening) – Londin shares what inspired her to explore and later add to the conversation around sacred intimacy. She describes the call to surrender that led her to find balance in her spiritual practice and allowed everything to fall into place.

“My story was one of developing my liberation as a modern woman. I had lots of achievements and was out there and enjoying my success in a man’s world. I was loving that, but I was unmet with love. I was kind of unfulfilled and I decided to dedicate myself to unlocking the magic behind calling in deep love.” – Londin Angel Winters

Redefining Roles (9:25) – Melanie and Londin discuss the connotations that come with the labels of masculine and feminine. They discuss the roles that our culture has attached to these aspects of the self and how Londin has reframed her perception around masculine and feminine.

“I personally had to throw out the words masculine and feminine because if I said something like, ‘I’m moving into my masculine energy,’ it comes with the collective ideas of the failed unlovable woman that comes from straight from the 1950’s. If I went into my feminine energies, that had connotations too – like being powerless or being faithfully demure. I have opinions, I’m a fully loaded and fiery woman. A big part of this book is describing our journey of throwing out those terms.” – Londin Angel Winters

What Comes After Wholeness? (24:50) – We spend a lot of our time seeking wholeness when we feel that something is missing – which is a journey unto itself. What happens after that relatively small journey is over and we feel complete?

Presence in Difficult Times (29:40) – Melanie and Londin discuss ways we can maintain presence when we are going through difficulties with our partner.

Gil Fronsdal shares Buddhist practices for maintaining presence in difficult times on Ep. 06 of the Be Here Now Network Podcast.  

The Role of the Divine (37:55) – Londin talks about the different manifestations of the divine feminine and what that means in her practice.