Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 25 – Suffering Part One

Ram Dass offers his reflections on suffering, including how we can come to see the way in which suffering is grace, and how the clinging of mind creates suffering.

The Path of Inner Acknowledgment

Raghu Markus previews this dharma talk from Ram Dass on the nature of suffering. Raghu explores how Ram Dass helped him find the path of inner acknowledgment, and how he began to relate to the being inside of himself that was not controlled by ego identity.

“Many of us, it takes a while until we even acknowledge that there is something that can help transform the suffering.” – Raghu Markus

The Nature of Suffering (14:14)

Ram Dass begins by shining light on the connection between relationships and suffering. He talks about the nature of suffering, and how we can come to see the way in which suffering is grace. We don’t invite suffering into our lives, but we work with it when it’s there. Ram Dass tackles the issue of aging, which is really an issue of clinging to the Western model of growing old. 

“To understand the nature of suffering is the precondition for being able to convert it; to see the way in which suffering is grace. That suffering is a gift that’s given to you to allow you to come home.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass shares more reflections on suffering in Here and Now Ep. 26
The Clinging of Mind (24:55)

Ram Dass talks about the second Noble Truth, that the clinging of mind is what creates suffering, and how we can use suffering to grow. He shares stories about his work with AIDS patients and people who are close to death, talking about how those who want to be want an instrument for awakening gravitate towards people who are suffering. 

“The game is to be responsive, rather than reactive to suffering.” – Ram Dass


Images via luboffke