Sharon Salzberg – Metta Hour – Ep. 113 – A Liberated Mind with Steven C. Hayes

Sharon Salzberg - Metta Hour - Ep. 113 - Steven C. Hayes

For Episode 113 of the Metta Hour Podcast, Sharon is in conversation with Dr. Steven C. Hayes, PhD.

Steven C. Hayes is a professor of psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno. He is the author of over 40 books and hundreds of scientific articles and has served as president of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Dr. Hayes initiated the development of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and of Relational Frame Theory and his latest book, A Liberated Mind was released in the summer of 2019 from Avery Books. In this episode, Sharon and Steven discuss the ACT method, and how this related to mindfulness practice. Steven closes the conversation with a ten-minute guided practice. To learn more about Steven’s work, you can visit his website at
Intersection of Paths

Steven speaks about his psychological work with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which uses mindfulness and behavioral therapy to create psychological flexibility. He talks about how understanding complex psychological processes can bring behavioral science and psychological study into the same space as the teachings of the many wisdom traditions.

“I had a transformational experience nearly forty years ago and tried to build that out within my tradition, which was cognitive behavioral therapy.” – Steven C. Hayes 

A Liberated Mind (14:45)

What is the importance of a daily contemplative practice? Sharon and Steven talk about how we develop habitual behaviors and how we can leverage this to cultivate regular practice.

“In many ways, daily practice is a cornerstone of making mindfulness real in the rest of our lives.” – Sharon Salzberg

Hard to be Human (29:15)

How have the circumstances of the modern world changed the way that we developmentally and emotionally? Steven looks at how the growth rates of mental illness, loneliness, and suicide are connected to contemporary living.

Explore how the mindfulness revolution is teaching the skills for coping with the difficulties of the modern age with Ethan and David Nichtern on Ep.28 of the Road Home Podcast



Images via Steven C. Hayes