In this episode of Healing at the Edge, RamDev explores the nature of compassion and forgiveness, especially in the face of divisiveness, suffering, and difficult emotions.
Compassion and Forgiveness
RamDev talks about how compassion and forgiveness are things we do for our own heart, not the other person. He explores the many opportunities we have to work with compassion and forgiveness right now with all the divisiveness, suffering, and difficult emotions arising in the world today.
“Compassion or forgiveness is really a state of being, and it’s something that’s healing our own heart.” – RamDev
Ram Dass talks about the emptiness of compassion on Here and Now Ep. 163
The Motivation for Meditation (7:56)
RamDev leads a guided meditation where he asks us to examine our motivations. What brings us to the cushion? As a part of the meditation, he explores the qualities of the open heart, and reads a few quotes to bring those qualities into focus.
“When we turn on the news and we see violence and protest and anger and sadness and death and grief, do we pull away from that? Do we get lost in it? Does it make us despondent? Or is it possible to be with the suffering that is being so clearly revealed and keep our hearts open?” – RamDev
Moment-to-Moment Gratitude (22:33)
RamDev talks more about suffering, and how we can do a practice of unconditional love. He covers the qualities of the heart that aren’t compassion, and how we can develop moment-to-moment gratitude for everything in life, even the hard stuff. RamDev ends with the amazing story of a dying woman who learned the power of forgiveness practice.
“Forgiveness is a very, very powerful practice to free our hearts, to let the energy that is our heart just flow.” – RamDev