Ram Dass Here and Now – Ep. 85 – Dharmic Fire

Dharmic Fire

“The predicament is that once you awaken you cannot go back to sleep. You will try with all of your ingenuity, I absolutely assure you… because what lies before you is the fire and burn baby burn.”

Ram Dass’ precise enquiry into the real nature of purification and liberation – jumping into your own individuated Dharmic fire, not ignoring your weaknesses and neuroses. The bliss is one part, the reality of life on Earth at this moment is another – he firmly suggests embracing all of it. There is “no irrelevancy in the whole system” he says and this includes suffering and loss and major difficulties. Ram Dass’s expliqué of the long, incarnational progression is particularly exquisite in this talk – detailing the gradually emergent, awakened embodiment and then the ineffable potential of the bodhisattva manifestation.



Photo via fran_kie