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spirituality politics

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 27 – Spirituality & Politics

September 16, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

Spirituality & Politics The world is a reflection of our internal state; if we dwell on turmoil, anger, and confusion then that’s how the…


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 26 – Suffering Part Two

September 16, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

Suffering Part Two Raghu reveals an interesting confession about an LSD experience he had involving the death of his ego and the birth of…


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 25 – Suffering Part One

September 16, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

Ram Dass offers his reflections on suffering, including how we can come to see the way in which suffering is grace, and how the…

Rama Rama

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 24 – Rama Rama

September 16, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

In this recording from 1969, Ram Dass talks about watching the drama unfold, the pure light of the guru, and sings the beautiful Rama…


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 23 – Shiva’s Dance of Life

September 16, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

In this dharma talk Ram Dass discusses Shiva’s dance of life, reflecting on methods for centering ourselves, serving others, and tending to the part…


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 22 – How May I Serve You?

September 15, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

On this episode of Here and Now, Ram Dass talks about what service really means, moving beyond ego and time, and why his mantra…


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 21 – Energy

September 15, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

In this dharma talk from 1969, Ram Dass shares on the concept of energy. Using the examples of Hanuman and Maharajji, he explains that…


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 20 – Embracing It All

September 15, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

In this dharma talk from the late 1960’s Ram Dass, just coming back from recent psychedelic explorations, shares his insights on embracing it all,…

karma yogi

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 19 – Karma Yogi

September 15, 2014
 |  Ram Dass

In this radio interview from the mid 1970s, Ram Dass talks about what makes him a karma yogi, and how every experience in our…


Be Here Now Network

The Be Here Now Network offers weekly doses of digestible Eastern philosophy from a range of spiritual teachers in the form of mindfulness podcasts, articles and videos. The “Be Here Now” adage is an important aphorism from Ram Dass and serves as a mantra for those on their own path towards self-discovery. For spiritual seekers and mindfulness advocates, our consciousness podcasts are a leading source for insightful information. We believe that we can change the world by changing our own hearts and radiate that presence out to the world, one heart at a time.

Mindfulness Podcasts, Articles & Videos

Whether you are looking for a mindfulness podcast, a conscious loving article or video teachings, the Be Here Now Network has a range of resources and teachers to help you on your spiritual path. For day-to-day spiritual guidance or easy strategies for cultivating mindfulness, the Be Here Now network provides a community for you to lean on. Every generation needs teachers and we are dedicated to insightful entertainment and concise bits of wisdom. Podcasts have become increasingly popular forms of entertainment and ways of getting information in a quick and easy format. Podcasts are easily downloaded audio files that you can access via the Internet or on your phone or computer. Mindfulness podcasts can help you become more centered and calm as well as provide instructions in various methods that can help you balance your day to day life. Our mindfulness podcasts explore important issues concerning the modern spiritual seeker. The Be Here Now network offers poignant insight from the wisdom keepers of today.
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