Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 425 – Intuition, Negativity, & Forgiveness w/ Jack Kornfield & Noah Markus

Jack Kornfield and Noah Markus join Raghu for a conversation weaving together Thich Nhat Hanh, Ram Dass, intuition, negativity, creativity, forgiveness, and letting go.

Loving Awareness & Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcoming author, Buddhist teacher, Be Here Now Network podcaster, and dear friend, Jack Kornfield, back to Mindrolling, Raghu shares about their deep roots, history, and longstanding satsang connection through Ram Dass; before handing the wheels over to Noah for a list of queries for Jack to help salve the modern mind. To begin, Noah prompts a discussion and story from Jack on the recently passed spiritual leader, monk, poet, and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh.

“One of Thich Nhat Hanh’s remarkable gifts—and there were many—was his ability to take what are profound and sometimes also complex Buddhist teachings, and make them transparent and available to everyone.” – Jack Kornfield

Raghu & David Silver discuss the teachings of the spiritual leader, Thich Nhat Hanh, on Ep. 190 of Mindrolling
An Invitation Into Intuition (19:00)

Flowing into the next topic, Noah ponders how we can move past our critical thoughts and self-judgements to start to live from a place of intuition. Raghu answers by shedding light on Ram Dass’ ‘still small voice within,’ while Jack offers perspectives and methods—like meditation, nature, listening, gratitude, mindfulness, & the witness—for living from the intuitive heart-space. From here, he leads Noah through a short reflective practice.

“Ram Dass used the analogy of the Quaker’s ‘still small voice within’—that voice that is deeply behind the judging and polarized mind. Being in it is being in an ocean without ripples. Mindfulness at that point is much more transformational for people. Mindfulness with judgements coming from your head and ego is not really going to be very useful. So the deepest part of oneself that is behind all of that is that ‘still small voice.'” – Raghu Markus

Raghu & Noah talk with Joseph Goldstein about afflictive emotions, on Ep. 327 of Mindrolling
Negativity & Creativity // Forgiveness & Letting Go (36:00)

Sharing vulnerably about working with the negative stories which arise in our mind, Noah asks Jack for insight into overcoming fear and mental catastrophizing. Flipping the script by viewing negativity as an inherently creative act, Jack offers wisdom around resistance and gratitude, forgiveness and letting go. To close, they bring the podcast full circle, weaving together Ram Dass and Thich Nhat Hanh quotes on being love.

“It’s really about what’s tender, wise, and respectful to your own heart, mind, and body. And when you slow down a little you can feel it. Then you actually can choose which direction, what to invite into consciousness.” – Jack Kornfield

To listen to Jack’s ‘Three Directions of Forgiveness’ meditation, tune to Ep. 135 of Heart Wisdom

A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life by [Jack Kornfield]   No Time Like the Present: Finding Freedom, Love, and Joy Right Where You Are by [Jack Kornfield]   

Art via agsandrew