Melanie Moser – Shakti Hour – Ep. 34 – Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Melanie Moser - Shakti Hour - Ep. 34 - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Rev. angel Kyodo williams visits the Shakti Hour Podcast and shares a conversation with Melanie that touches on the importance of a diverse spiritual practice, rethinking Dharma and bringing balance to our lives.

Links from this episode: Rev. angel Kyodo williams | Shakti Hour Patreon

Show Notes

Listening to Different Voices (Opening) – What is the value of listening to different voices along our spiritual path? Rev. angel reflects on the many ways that a diversified spiritual practice enriches our spiritual journey.

“I think that listening is what the spiritual path is about. Most of us spend most of our time reifying our sense of identity by speaking and expressing and putting out what we are. The spiritual path is about listening and discovering the thing that is the nature of who we are that is beyond being communicated.” –  Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Radical Dharma (9:25) – With a better understanding of what Dharma really means we get a better understanding of how our attachment to identity separates us from others.  Rev. angel looks at the etymological origin of radical Dharma and makes a strong argument for why Dharma should be pursued radically.

“Radical Dharma is simultaneously your whole truth and the invitation for you to look into the truth of yourself that you have left behind in order to fit in somewhere to try and understand yourself as belonging to a particular people or community.” – Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Understanding Birthright (22:10) – How do we work with our desire to be met from the outside-in? Rev. angel looks at how the act of embracing our birthright to pursue our true nature can liberate us from our attachments.



Images via Lions Roar and Omega