Lama Surya Das offers a dharma talk around the essence of Buddhism and cultivating the ability to be here now.
What is the Essence of Buddhism?
Lama Surya Das looks at the qualities of wisdom and compassion that form a foundation for the teachings of the Buddhist tradition.
“The Dalai Lama said that ‘Loving kindness is my religion,’ to make a point that we should not fall into the wisdom tradition of Buddhism and just think it is all from the eyebrows up; that it is only all about mind and mindfulness and insight. There is also wisdom and compassion – like the two wings of a bird. A bird can’t fly with only one wing. The bodhisattva needs the wings of insightful wisdom, prajñā, and compassionate skillful means, upāya.” – Lama Surya Das
Mind & Body (13:00)
Surya Das reflects on the importance of getting in touch with our bodies alongside our awareness practice. He looks at how this connection can wake us up from our habitual identity, revealing our true nature.
“Sit on your Buddha seat and breathe. That is the whole instruction in one – breathe and be.” – Lama Surya Das
Why We Practice (22:05)
What is the end game for our practice? Lama Surya Das looks at some of the ways that regular practice in the Buddhist tradition can help us in every moment – including our final moments. He speaks with members of his live audience about their path of practice and their reasons for practicing.
“We cultivate being here now so that we will be fully there then, which means tomorrow, later, or any time.” – Lama Surya Das