Jack Kornfield – Heart Wisdom – Ep. 99 – Planting Beautiful Seeds


Jack Kornfield shares a dharma talk that looks at the seeds of lovingkindness and awareness that we plant through mindfulness and meditation practice.

Roots of Connection

How can we find a deep level of connection with one another? Through story, Jack explores the level of connection that is possible when we remember our true nature and the wondrous journey through life that each of traverse.

“There is something in us that longs for a deep connection – with ourself, with the world around us and with one another.” – Jack Kornfield

A Sure Heart’s Release (14:10)

What is your capacity for being with life’s mysteries? How often do you find yourself reacting – rather than being present with the moment?

“The question is not the future of humanity, but the presence of eternity. Is there a way that we can find our way in this dance of birth and loss and praise and blame with a wise and loving heart?” – Jack Kornfield 

Just Stay and See (26:45)

An important task that we have in our mindfulness practice is to cultivate our ability to concentrate so that we are able to operate with steady awareness in every moment. How can we overcome aversion to life’s obstacles and just be with all that arises?

“It turns out that the very thought patterns that arise within you become the place of your liberation. The obstacles are not something to get rid of. Difficulties transform as you practice.” – Jack Kornfield

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Image via marukopum