Jack Kornfield – Heart Wisdom – Ep. 109 – This Too Shall Pass

Jack Kornfield offers guided practice and Dharma talk that reminds us of the inner refuge that is available to us in the most hopeless of times.

Keep up with Jack’s at-home Monday Night Dharma Talks and find resources for dealing with the Novel Coronavirus pandemic at JackKornfield.com

Resting in Loving Awareness

Jack offers a guided meditation practice that asks us to sit with the enormity of the challenges presented by the Novel Coronavirus. This practice is something that we can come back to through the day as we find ourselves reacting to our fears or what is happening in the world around us.

“Our intention is really to create a space that steadies the heart. Space that gives us some grounding and perspective that allows us to hold all that we are going through, changes that we could not have imagined a few months ago.” – Jack Kornfield

Take a closer look at how the practice of loving awareness allows a profound shift of identity away from a small limited sense of self in Ep. 67 of the Heart Wisdom Podcast
This Too Shall Pass (22:50)

One of the best things that we can do in difficult times like these is to go deep inside, deep into the timeless sense of self – a larger sense of self that is separate from our fear. How do we use the practices of mindfulness and meditation to navigate great uncertainty and get in touch with our Buddha Nature?

“We become Loving Awareness. We become witness to the joys and sorrows; to the pain and the blame; to the things that are joyful and difficult. In this, we open to a deeper mystery. We open to the mystery of becoming that one that is not caught in our personality, in our small sense of self.” – Jack Kornfield

Nachiketa and the Lord of Death (32:50)

Jack shares a fable that explores how the most harrowing of challenges we face can open us to something deeper within ourselves.


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