Francesca Maximé – ReRooted – Ep. 14 – Roots Deeper Than Whiteness

Roots Deeper Than Whiteness

Eleanor Hancock and David Dean join Francesca to talk about their online course, Roots Deeper Than Whiteness, and the connection between capitalism and white supremacy.

Eleanor Hancock is the director of White Awake, a project that brings mindfulness and contemplative spiritual practice to white affinity work focused on racism, white supremacy, and collective liberation. David Dean is an educator and writer, and is the co-founder and co-facilitator of White Awake’s Roots Deeper Than Whiteness online course. Learn more about David’s work at

Roots Deeper Than Whiteness starts October 6th, and is designed to help white people reject the role they have been groomed to play and build a healthy sense of self that is rooted in liberatory knowledge and practice. Click here to learn more about the course and register today.

White Awake

What is this concept of whiteness? How do we be mindful about it? How do we marry education with good intention? Francesca speaks with Eleanor and David about White Awake and how they got into working with racism. David and Eleanor talk about the connection between capitalism and white supremacy.

“There was a turning point when I could fully understand that white supremacy was developed to serve the function of capitalism. It was developed by a ruling class to divide people.” – Eleanor Hancock 

Fight, Flight, or Freeze (15:32)

Francesca reflects on what is lost culturally for white people through the melting pot of assimilation in the United States of America. David talks about how many white people, when they start exploring racism, get stuck in a fight, flight, or freeze response pattern. Eleanor explores how white dominance can disconnect people from their bodies and emotions.

“We all can do so much by seeing the larger picture.” – David Dean

Explore waking up to racism on ReRooted Ep. 7
Roots Deeper Than Whiteness (32:10)

Eleanor and David preview their online course, Roots Deeper Than Whiteness. They share what people can expect when they sign up, and why this class is specifically for people who identify as white.

“Awakening together, moving into compassionate, wise action together. Really doing the self-inquiry and interrogation around what prevents us from being more connected.” – Francesca Maximé

Join master wellness coach and yoga instructor James Higgins for an immersive weekend of yoga and meditation practice designed to refine your connection to body, mind, heart, and soul.
Make further contact with your spiritual truth through skilled asana instruction, guided meditation, pranayama, and yoga nidra. Let visualization, sound, voice, psychological inspiration, and restorative rest set you free.
Learn more about this retreat at


Images via Taylor White and Vivian Browne