Dr. Robert Svoboda – Living with Reality – Ep. 8 – Following the Signs

Dr. Robert Svoboda explores how we can best tune into our intuition in this age of constant confusion and start following the signs that the outside world provides for us.

Dr. Robert Svoboda explores how we can best tune into our intuition in this age of constant confusion and start following the signs that the outside world provides for us.

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Following the Signs

Dr. Svoboda talks about how human beings, as a species, have become urbanized and disconnected from the natural world, which limits the power of our intuition. We have to get back to a place where we’re aligned with the external world and following the signs it provides for us, but that’s made difficult by the confusing nature of our reality at this point in our existence.

“Resonance can occur between anything outside and anything inside, and that means that the outer world is always providing us hints and suggestions and advisories. What we have to do is try to find ways that we take advantage of those advisories and move ourselves in a direction that will position us, in the best place we can be in, for whatever is going to happen next.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

Spring Washam talks about how we can restore the connection to our intuitive wisdom on BHNN Guest Podcast Ep. 64
Prana and the Hara Chakra (9:25)

Because of the confusing nature of reality, it’s very important we remain calm so we can gain as much clarity as possible. Dr. Svoboda explores how we can let the intuitive mind, and not the thinking mind, be our guide. He leads a brief meditation focused on connecting to the Hara Chakra, which is just below the navel, and letting the Prana, or life force, flow in and out through that point.

“We want to be able to have a vision, the vision of where we need to go next. We don’t want to try to think about it too much, we don’t want to try to emote over it, we want to allow ourselves to see where the path is in front of us that we can follow.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

Pranic Confusion (18:51)

Dr. Svoboda talks about communing with the outside world through the Hara Chakra, rather than the thinking mind. He explores Pranic confusion, which is when the body has difficulty understanding the external world, and how worrying about the future is a fool’s errand. If we calm our minds and hearts, we open ourselves up to having a healthy alignment with the external world.

“So, if you’re worried that a particular political candidate will win or won’t win, that worry is providing energy to that candidate.” – Dr. Robert Svoboda

Dr. Robert Svoboda explores how we can best tune into our intuition in this age of constant confusion and start following the signs that the outside world provides for us.


Images via @Phix79 and @margarita on Twenty20