Trudy Goodman introduces listeners to the Brahmavihārās through an affectionate breath practice and a loving-kindness body scan.
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This week on the BHNN Guest Podcast, Buddhist teacher Trudy Goodman explores:
- The Brahmavihārās: love, compassion, joy and equanimity
- Re-parenting ourselves through practice
- The feeling of being soothed, comforted, and safety
- Offering loving kindness to our body
- Gratitude for the breath and all it does to support us
- The breath as a river of blessings that is always here for us
- How the Brahmavihārās infuse and suffuse our being
- A loving-kindness body scan
This recording was originally published on Dharmaseed
You will notice that the breath is so exquisitely attuned. When we’re upset we tend to breath rapidly. When we’re at peace the breath slows down. We don’t have to do anything. This is one of the ways we are loved and supported by the breath. You don’t have to make it happen, you don’t have to create it.” – Trudy Goodman
About Trudy Goodman:
Trudy is a Vipassana teacher in the Theravada lineage and the Founding Teacher of InsightLA. For 25 years, in Cambridge, MA, Trudy practiced mindfulness-based psychotherapy with children, teenagers, couples and individuals. Trudy conducts retreats and workshops worldwide.