Buckminster Fuller Institute Board President David McConville says our view of the universe profoundly shapes our future as a species, and it’s changing radically.
The legendary designer Buckminster Fuller asked, “If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do, then how would I be and what would I do?” Neil Harvey explores the work of designer David McConville to discuss finding a deeper perception and connection to the universe.
Seeing is believing, then again believing is seeing. The way we see the world also creates that world. As the physical realities of human-induced climate disruption and ecological degradation escalate, big changes are gestating everywhere; breakdown and breakthrough. Paradigms are dying and being born. It is time for a new story, a new way of seeing that we can believe in, or as designer David McConville puts it, “The universe we design for is the universe we are going to get.”
David McConville is a media artist who designs visualization tools for seeing the world in new ways. As Board Chairman of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, David facilitates connections across design art science and technology to cultivate whole system strategies for addressing today’s complex global challenges. He says our view of the universe profoundly shapes our future as a species. So what is that view? Where did it come from and what does that mean?