RamDev – Healing at the Edge – Ep. 55 – Nonduality and Non-Grasping

Illuminating the path of Oneness, RamDev embarks on an exploration of nonduality and shares a guided meditation practice inviting us into the spacious, blissful essence of the non-grasping mind.

Illuminating the path of Oneness, RamDev embarks on an exploration of nonduality and shares a guided meditation practice inviting us into the spacious, blissful essence of the non-grasping mind.

Resting in Spaciousness: Dying into Nonduality

Building from the previous episodes’ lessons, RamDev elucidates the concept and experience of nonduality. To the extent we have been clinging to duality, the dying process has the potentiality to be frightening and confusing. To die into nonduality, we have to learn how to be comfortable resting in spaciousness. Sharing methods and techniques, RamDev describes the nondual state as something we have all experienced, but so familiar that we barely recognize it.

“In my opinion, meditation is the most direct way to actually go into the space of nonduality.” – RamDev

Did you know you are actually headless? Explore techniques for recognizing the reality of our nondual state of boundless awareness, on Ep. 6 of New Growth
Beyond Conceptualization: Spacious Non-Grasping (7:45)

Can we feel longing for wholeness without trying to analyze and decipher it? Inviting us to move beyond the concepts which box us into our separateness, RamDev shares a nondual guided meditation practice aimed at helping us surrender into the spacious heart through trust, relaxation, emptiness, and the clear-view of spacious non-grasping.

“The essence of nonduality is non-grasping.” – RamDev

Dissolve beyond concept into the spacious heart of nonduality, as RamDev explores opportunities for practice, on Ep. 48 of Healing at the Edge
Stabilizing Rigpa: Moving Past Subject & Object (22:42)

Can we trust letting go into each moment? When a thought arises, instead of trying to understand it, can we go to the essence of mind? Seeing through with clarity, can we observe the empty, cloud-like nature of thought? Both recognizing and non-grasping are two keys to moving past the subject-object relationship in order to stabilize Rigpa, the Tibetan Buddhist notion of nondual presence. In Rigpa, one doesn’t hold onto even the present moment, rather, one rests effortlessly in boundless spaciousness.

“The quality of essence of mind is some combination of great clarity and emptiness, and the union of clarity and emptiness is naturally arising compassionate activity.”– RamDev

Join RamDev and Raghu as they dive into Buddhism, Rigpa, ‘The View,’ and unconditional love, on Ep. 307 of Mindrolling

Illuminating the path of Oneness, RamDev embarks on an exploration of nonduality and shares a guided meditation practice inviting us into the spacious, blissful essence of the non-grasping mind.


Images via @itsnotabruise and @lorenklein via Twenty20