Discussing natural vs. unnatural desire, J. Krishnamurti and Dr. Anderson explore the destructive seduction of consumerism.
To start at the beginning of this 18-part dialogue on consciousness, spirituality and navigating life with J. Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson: Click Here
“We are not condemning pleasure, we are trying to understand why pleasure has become such a strong importance in life; pleasure of enlightenment, pleasure of sex, pleasure of possession, of knowledge, of power.” – J. Krishnamurti
In this episode, J. Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson explore:
- What it means to be intrinsically free
- The deep, internal roots of pleasure and fear
- Desire in relation to appetite (physical vs. psychological appetite)
- Our invested interest in self-seduction and the effects of consumerism
- How desire is born and cultured into each one of us
- Perception, contact, and sensation as the precursors to desire
- The cruelty of self-deception and understanding the nature of pleasure
- Investigating the truth of fear and moving beyond it
- How humans seek power and control via abolishing pleasure
- Pleasure’s relationship to enjoyment and true happiness
“I think both desire and appetite are stimulated by commercialism, by consumerism, which is the present civilization, actively operating in the world at the present time. Everywhere. This consumerism has to be forfeited.” – J. Krishnamurti