Continuing his talk with Dr. Allan W. Anderson, J. Krishnamurti explains how thought and the pursuit of pleasure are at the root of all fears.
To start at the beginning of this 18-part dialogue on consciousness, spirituality and navigating life with J. Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson: Click Here
This time on Freedom from the Known, J. Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson discuss:
- The connection of fear and pleasure
- Conscious and unconscious fears
- The necessity of security for the individual and for humanity
- How national division has destroyed our physical security
- Fear of public opinion and judgement from others
- Self-identification and the fear of non-being
- How thought produces fear
- Observing without the interference of thought
- The transformation of fear
“Fear is a dreadful thing. It darkens the world, it destroys everything. I don’t think we can discuss fear without also discussing the pursuit of pleasure.” – J. Krishnamurti