Sharon returns to Prema Yoga in Brooklyn, NY (in their new location) for an evening workshop on Equanimity. Equanimity can be described as a balance of the mind, a spacious stillness that allows us to accept things as they are, avoiding apathy and indifference on the one hand and driven reactivity on the other. The opening of mind that equanimity brings is the basis for the emergence of qualities such as kindheartedness and generosity. Teaching on equanimity is traditionally offered with practices that enrich compassion, lovingkindness and joy in the happiness of others. Together, these practices lead to the development of concentration, fearlessness, happiness and a greater ability to love. As Sharon introduces us to these teachings, she will support our own experience of practice through direct instruction and guided meditations. Throughout the workshop, there will be opportunities for questions and discussion. This workshop is suitable for both new and experienced meditators.
Please note Prema Yoga’s new location at 498 Court Street in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.