5570 Munford Drive
NC 27612
“Befriending Yourself, Befriending the World: Loving Yourself, Loving the World” Love the world by first loving and accepting yourself — these are timeless teachings that are also psychologically astute. Yet genuine self-acceptance can be elusive; relationships are frequently marred by projections about self and other. Helping us to recognize our own and others’ Buddha-full true nature is the heart-essence teaching of Dzogchen, the Natural Great Perfection tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Introducing this naturally inherent wisdom and compassion with positivity and joy, is the life-work of Lama Surya Das. Lama Surya will guide us throughout the evening with liveliness and humor, combining guided meditation and Dharma teachings; there will be ample opportunity for questions. These events are appropriate for those new to spiritual exploration as well as seasoned practitioners.