Renowned storyteller, performer, author, activist and scholar Michael Meade weaves threads of timeless wisdom traditions into myths for today’s global crisis.
Michael Meade says each of us is woven into the soul of the world, and we’re uniquely needed at this mythic moment to become active agents in the co-creation, re-creation and re-imagination of culture and nature. The genius in a person comes into the world to contribute something and to follow an unfolding story. When the inner genius is awakened, a person’s deepest meaning and greatest talents come to the surface. Through re-imagining education and promoting genius mentoring real positive changes can be made in individuals’ lives and in the global community we all share.
“The real treasure of life, the one difficult to find and hard to attain, is never far from us. That’s an unwritten rule on this earth. What we desperately desire and need most is buried in the recesses of our innermost being all along. This is the open secret found in many traditions and told in many ways. Yet it remains a secret
because trusting in oneself remains one of the hardest things to do in life.” – Michael Meade
Theme music for each program is from the song “Awaya Baka” from the album East to West by Baka Beyond, 2003 and is used by permission of March Hare Music, “Entering the Circle” by Rich Goodhart & David Allen and “Between the Earth and Sky” by Rich Goodhart from the album Shaman Mirror Medicine Tree, 2010 – Contact: Beginner’s Mind Productions P.O. Box 744, Guilderland, NY 12084,; “Yama” by Tom Colletti from the album, Yoga is Union, Sounds True, 2012; Contact: Sounds True, P.O. Box 8010, Boulder, CO 80306-8010,, Phone: 800-333-9185
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